Mihaela Ostafe

We learned quite a bit from Ioana’s approach, her feedback was meaningful, sparkling and with clear, simple guidance to implement it, too.

We worked together for a few tasks – social media posts’ scanning, evaluation of our Facebook page, content planning for our social media and for a rather complicated/more technical article’s copywriting.

Her job involved providing feedback on finding the right tone to help our clients to understand us and our services better, making things clear and simple – which she did very well! She is reliable, and punctual with her tasks and she’s done a great job – thank you for your cooperation!

Fuel, Action & Balance
Cristi Schiopu

We’ve worked together to redefine the logos and visual identity of my brand and I love the results, basically with no sending back to the drawing board. Very skilled! With Ioana, I really feel I get the help I needed and I trust that she’ll do a great job in less time than if I had to do it. She’s helped me so far doing market research, reaching out to get data I needed, proofreading and document writing (rewrite, translate). She’s a rockstar in all things social media, and I feel very comfortable not having to know more than I need to because she does 🙂

I appreciate that she picked up on how I work and our catch-ups are very rich in ideas and exchanges.

It’s funny that before starting our work together, I would have a difficult time imagining that I could delegate a part of my work. I now have experienced the relief of doing that and the complete trust that the work gets done beautifully.

Ascendo Consulting & #asaincepe
Andreia Olaru

With Ioana, I feel I have a partner. With her by my side, I grew the existing business, and I had the space to start a new one. As a result of her content creation, I landed clients and collaborators I wouldn’t meet otherwise. She’s smart, creative, strategic, and anticipates what the business needs or the direction we’re heading. She reads between the lines, is mindful of my weaknesses, and always knows when to step in and help me with a challenge.

I juggle many tasks and responsibilities on a daily basis, and in my work, I need to be creative. Ioana helps me with social media content, copywriting, graphic design, but the most important part of our work is our planning session at the beginning of the month.

Working together doesn’t mean just outsourcing tasks, but getting a partner who helps you grow your business. Moreover, she’s fun and easy-going, and meetings with her are the highlight of my schedule. Therefore, I would not hesitate one second to get Ioana on board!

Dream-Plan-Launch & We Need You Too
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